Join Us at the SIPE Conference: Scaling-Up Innovation Procurement in Europe

The SIPE Conference is a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of innovation procurement, connect with like-minded professionals, and contribute to shaping the future of innovation procurement in Europe. It is a must-attend for procurement professionals, offering unmatched opportunities for learning, networking, and collaborating to scale-up innovation adoption.

Date: 18th June

Venue: Brussels, La Chaufferie

We are excited to invite you to the Scaling-up Innovation Procurement in Europe (SIPE) Conference, hosted by the Innovation Procurement Task Force (IPTF), on June 18, 2024, in Brussels. The event gathers public procurers, policy makers, and public suppliers from across Europe to explore and enhance the future of innovation procurement in the domains of Cities and Health. 

What to Expect:

Hear from Leading Voices

The SIPE Conference promises to be a confluence of thought leaders, including EU project leaders and members of the European Commission. Keynotes, presentations and discussions will be delivered by professionals such as Carmen Laplaza Santos, Head of Unit Health Innovations and Ecosystems at European Commission, Frederic Amiand, EU policy officer at Nantes Métropole, and many other to be announced. Their insights will provide attendees with valuable perspectives on the latest trends, innovations, and strategic approaches in the field of innovation procurement. Most of all, it’s an opportunity to gather together all stakeholders and brainstorm about solutions to scale-up innovation procurement, with all voices heard.

Networking Opportunities

This event offers unparalleled opportunities to connect with a diverse group of professionals and stakeholders in the procurement sector. We have designed an interactive room setting, allowing for a world cafè session, facilitating important discussions while sharing a drink in a familiar environment. The day will conclude with a networking session, allowing for further discussions and the exploration of collaborations.

Innovative Discussions

The event is designed to foster deep dives into best practices in innovation procurement. It includes a three-part interactive program:

1. Policy Perspectives

The morning session features presentations from IPTF partners, followed by expert commentaries and open discussions on key topics,including barriers and pathways, for scaling up innovation procurement.

2. Capacity Building in Action

The afternoon starts by showcasing project outputs from PROCEDIN, BUILD, and InnoFacilitator. It aims to be an interactive library of actionable knowledge, to help participants identify and navigate resources tailored to specific procurement needs. Interactive discussions will follow, highlighting and addressing capacity and competence building challenges.

3. Learning Lab

Adopting a World Café approach, this session invites all attendees to collaborate in formulating strategies for the accelerated adoption of innovation procurement. Facilitated by experts, these discussions will enable participants to share knowledge and co-develop actionable proposals.

BUILD at the Conference

The BUILD project, one of the founders of the IPTF, has been on a journey to develop resources and methodologies that support capacity building and innovation procurement enhancement. BUILD will present its latest outputs and practical insights coming from the work performed in these two years of project implementation. We want to show you how these tools can enhance your procurement practices and celebrate our collective efforts together!

Join Us

We look forward to your participation and the valuable insights you will bring to this collaborative event.

Register now to secure your place at the SIPE Conference on June 18, 2024, in Brussels. You have time until the 7th June to register. 

For more information, please visit the SIPE Conference website.

Useful Links


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.