Empowering innovation procurement: Key insights into best practices and resources from public procurers

Empowering innovation procurement: Key insights into best practices and resources from pubic procurers

The recent joint webinar organized by the BUILD Project and the Innovation Procurement Task Force brought together procurement professionals and stakeholders. They met to explore the realm of innovation procurement. The webinar aimed at addressing challenges, sharing insights, and providing participants with valuable resources to navigate the landscape of procurement for innovation successfully. In this article, you will find the main key resources shared during the event that can empower organizations in their innovation procurement endeavours.

Obstacles to overcome in the procurement of innovation

The BUILD project partner, CIVITTA, identified the main needs and solutions for public procurement of innovation. They are mainly the complexities arising from the BUILD market consultation activities, such as time commitment, high costs, immature markets, and limited knowledge. However, the webinar emphasized the importance of overcoming these obstacles and showcased valuable resources that can help in the process.

Key Resources from the European Innovation Council (EIC)

The EIC presented a range of initiatives from the new innovation procurement program to support innovation procurement, providing access to funding and collaboration opportunities for breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations. Additionally, participants were introduced to the new 2023 Call for support, enabling them to test EIC innovations with public and private procurers and granting up to 60.000 EUR, to carry out PoCs or pilot tests on the services of public or private committed buyers.

Innovation pilots in the health sector

TicBiomed, an Innobuyer Project partner, shared their strategy on how to increase the adoption of innovative pilots in the health sector. Innobuyer, indeed, developed a program to support innovative ideas, starting from the R&D and Pre Commercial Procurement (PCP) to the Procurement of Innovative Solution PPI. They provide for a wide diffusion of the developed solutions.

On 15. – 16. November 2023, TicBiomed is hosting the Impactful Innovation Conference in Murcia, Spain. If interested, find more information here.

Innovation procurement in practice

The webinar provided also best practices and innovation procurement examples thanks to initiatives shared by the City of Haarlem and the Urban Agenda. Some of them involved the use of existing networks to build circular processes within the city, while others focused on ecosystem collaboration to develop innovative solutions to efficient energy consumption.

If interested in training on these topics, don´t hesitate to consult the free e-learning modules provided by the Urban Agenda. Their focus is on the innovation procurement and strategic procurement.

The joint webinar organised by the BUILD Project and the Innovation Procurement Task Force provided valuable insights and resources for organizations. It was really inspiring to see many participants aiming to enhance their innovation procurement strategies.

Our goal is to increase the exchange of knowledge in this field, and to exploit all available options to increase innovation in our communities.

That´s why we share the recorded session on PEDAL Consulting’s YouTube channels for those who couldn’t attend the live meeting. You can find it here:


Get a deeper understanding of the resources discussed thanks to the rich explanations from our speakers!

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.