BUILDing Innovation Procurement Capacity: A Year in Review

In the landscape of innovation procurement, the BUILD project has been on a journey to cross remarkable advancements over the past year. Join us for a recap of our exciting achievements, as we delve into key milestones and the most useful insights on public procurement of innovation, including tips on incentives and solutions to boost innovation adoption.


BUILD goals, including boosting the demand for innovative goods and services across Europe and enhancing the innovation procurement capacities of cities, have been our guiding stars. At the heart of our endeavours, there have been engagement and communication, encapsulating the essence of our work.


1.Spotlight on best practices in Innovation Procurement

Uncovering best practices in innovation procurement has been one of our major activities. Engaging knowledge exchange webinars, featuring leading experts, revealed incentives, case studies, and challenges in Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI). Get further details in the insights report here.

2. Knowledge gathering from all actors

Our workshops served as lively hubs for collecting insights from both suppliers and the public. These invaluable perspectives will shape our upcoming training activities, ensuring a comprehensive approach to innovation procurement.

3. Interactive market consultations

Introducing the wonders of PPI to buyers and suppliers, our market consultations were not only informative but also interactive. We actively sought feedback on barriers and potential solutions, which you can consult in this report here.

4. Promoting PPI Initiatives and Resources

In our commitment to keeping the community informed, we’ve collaborated closely with leading professionals and PPI-related projects. Discover the latest tools and initiatives through our connection with the Innovation Procurement Task Force here and follow all the updates on our social media.

The BUILD project’s journey over the past year has been just the beginning for promoting the adoption of PPI across our partner countries and Europe. As we invite you to explore our achievements, we look forward to the continued collaboration that will shape the future of innovation procurement.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.